
About Harlem Academy:

Harlem Academy is an independent school (grades K through 8) that drives equity of opportunity for promising students, guiding them to thrive at the highest academic levels and one day make a mark on the world. Please peruse our website for more information about our school culture, family partnership, new campus, strong results – and everything else that makes Harlem Academy uniquely positioned in the New York City education landscape.


Our incoming middle school math teacher must possess outstanding skills for maximizing learning and a commitment to helping nurture a school that rivals the best private schools in New York City. The middle school math teacher has the following core responsibilities:

  • Teach seventh and eighth grade math using Math in Focus, including a traditional Algebra 1 course, modeling a passion for mathematical reasoning and critical thinking.
  • Write and execute rigorous, engaging, culturally relevant, and developmentally appropriate lesson plans, and meet core learning goals.
  • Use evaluation and a data-driven understanding of your students to drive decisions.
  • Manage routines and environments to ensure safety, academic performance, holistic growth, and a warm and inviting classroom culture that reinforces our school creed.
  • Provide individualized remediation and extension work as needed.
  • Advise a group of middle school students and lead arts and/or sports electives.
  • Build genuine relationships with families in formal and informal written correspondence, meetings, volunteer opportunities, and overall collaboration.
  • Reflect on and improve professional practices with mission-focus, depth, and honesty.
  • Collaborate with colleagues in innovative program development, coaching, and publication of articles on best practices using a thoughtful, team-oriented approach.

Three or more years of experience and a relevant master’s degree are preferred.